Rattlesnake Rally Gravel Grinder MAY 21, 2016

 Are you ready to ride Wyoming's historic Oregon Trail? The 4th Annual Rattlesnake Rally  is approaching fast! So far the weather is looking good and we anticipate a huge turnout. The 2015 flyer and info are below because it has great directions and maps. But also check out BikeCasper.com for more details, as well as the Rattlesnake Rally Facebook page and Webscorer. Get registered today!

2016 marks the fourth year that bikes have been around the Rattlesnake Mountain Range. The 120 mile course starts at 7am at Poison Spider School (about 8 miles west of Casper) and travels 10 miles of pavement before finding gravel. For the next 40 miles, riders are mostly going uphill as you travel to the first aid station (at mile 51) and the first turn of the race. Riders loop around the western edge of the mountain range and will begin to descend Southeast towards Pathfinder reservoir. Enjoy these 25 miles of great views and rolling hills. It is VERY rare to see any human life this far out in the middle of nowhere. In 2013, I did not see one single vehicle or human in the 105 miles of gravel. In 2014, we saw 2 vehicles the entire time. Riders will find themselves at hwy 220 around mile 85 and you can enjoy 5 miles of smooth pavement on wide lanes with rumble strips. Aid station number two is at mile 90 and is our turnoff to Old Oregon Trail Road to the Northeast. The next 30 miles are glorious! You'll point yourself northeast and go uphill slightly for 6 miles followed by a crazy fast 8 miles of descending. Pedal your way the final 15 miles back to Poison Spider School and BAM, you made it!! 

The 60 mile race also starts at Poison Spider School at 7am. Racers travel for 3 miles on pavement before turning on the Historic Old Oregon Trail Road. For 30 miles, riders will pedal pedal pedal uphill along huge fields of sagebrush, dried up creeks, jackrabbits, antelope and two historic sites. At hwy220, riders will have an aid station to grab a bite to eat before turning around and heading back to the school. It's mostly downhill at this point and generally the wind is always at my back when I return home on this route. 

Check in to get your time recorded and head back home or to your hotel to recover for a bit. Did I say Hotel? and After party?

Parkway Plaza Hotel and Convention Center is offering one free drink, $2 bud lights and $70 room rates to all racers!!  The awards party will be at the Parkway at 7pm the night of the race.  Almost all of their rooms have just been renovated with new everything.  It is so awesome to have a host hotel who wants to go above and beyond!!  Cycling on Casper rules!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds absolutely spectacular! Y'all have a great ride!!!